Important Safety Information

Important Safety and Performance Information

­The Implantable Miniature Telescope (by Dr. Isaac Lipshitz) is indicated for a monocular implant to improve vision in patients with stable severe to profound vision impairment caused by bilateral central scotomas (blind areas) associated with end­stage age­related macular degeneration.

Patients must meet age, vision, cornea health, and other requirements noted in the Patient Information Booklet.

Download the US Patient Information Booklet – Implantable Miniature Telescope (by Dr. Isaac Lipshitz)

The most common risks of the telescope implantation surgery include inflammatory deposits or precipitates on the device and increased intraocular pressure. Significant adverse events include corneal edema, vision-impairing corneal edema, corneal transplant, and decrease in visual acuity. There is a risk that having the telescope implantation surgery could worsen your vision rather than improve it. Individual results may vary.